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Was ist ihr geplantes Anlagevolumen?

Das Mindestanlagevolumen beträgt 20.000

In welchen Abständen zahlen Sie das Anlagevolumen ein?

Die einzelnen Zahlungstranchen betragen

Die Mindesttransaktionsgröße beträgt 20.000

Wie erfolgt die Zahlung?


We require following information for the transaction:

The owner of the account and the person filling the form must be the same person

Apart from the single transaction, we offer a savings plan. Would You be interested?


How much would You like to invest monthly?

At least 2.500 €

The withdrawal happens on


For the debit charge we need:

IFür den Einzug per Lastschrift

Kontoinhaber und Antragsteller müssen dieselbe Person sein

Please fill out the following information about the minor


To process Your form we need the following information


Identity established by:

Registration certificate

Wie weisen Sie sich aus?

Wie weisen Sie sich aus?


Country of residence for tax purposes:

Tax identification number(s) / tax number(s) (TIN) of the applicant:

If you are a tax resident in another country, please add this to the list


Country of residence for tax purposes:

Tax identification number(s) / tax number(s) (TIN) of the applicant:

Wenn Sie in einem weiteren Land steuerlich Ansässig sind, fügen Sie dies bitte hinzu


Country of residence for tax purposes:

Tax identification number(s) / tax number(s) (TIN) of the applicant:


The applicant


In accordance with the requirements of the Luxembourg anti-money laundering law, special due diligence requirements apply to all business relations with "politically exposed persons". Natural persons who currently hold or have held important public offices as well as their family members or persons known to be closely connected to them are considered to be "politically exposed persons" (PEPs).

Are you or were you (1/2):


Are you or were you (1/2):


Does the criterion of "Politically Exposed Person" apply to any of the following members of your family? 


Does the criterion of "Politically Exposed Person" apply to any of the following members of your family? 


Please provide us with the exact office title and further information about yourself or persons close to you


The funds used to acquire the above desired shares are derived from:

The annual freely disposable income is


Please provide the following information about the 1st legal representative


In order to process your application, we also need the following information from you



Identity established by:

Registration certificate

Wie weisen Sie sich aus?

Wie weisen Sie sich aus?

In accordance with the requirements of the Luxembourg anti-money laundering law, special due diligence requirements apply to all business relations with "politically exposed persons". Natural persons who currently hold or have held important public offices as well as their family members or persons known to be closely connected to them are considered to be "politically exposed persons" (PEPs).

Are you or were you (1/2):


Are you or were you (2/2)


Does the criterion of "Politically Exposed Person" apply to any of the following members of your family? 


Does the criterion of "Politically Exposed Person" apply to any of the following members of your family?